The house is done! We finished it early today around noon. Because all that was left to do was the floor, and I have no skill (nor patience) for laying down and smoothing layer after layer of concrete, I asked Juan Carlos, the father, if I could do anything else for him. He was working on building the outline of a sun cover for the front of his house and he mentioned that he was planning on making a small patio to go underneath. I spent the morning hauling buckets of dirt to fill in the rough holes that developed outside his house, and then using a pick to break up mounds of hard packed clay used for the wheelbarrow stands. I evened out and smoothed the whole area out of his house and helped him construct a step leading up to it from the garden. It was amazing what the difference it made to the whole atmosphere of the house. That smooth area and step made the house feel completely usable and family-like. At the end I admit I stood back and just told myself how awesome it was.
I had a while to play with the kids before we left. In the course of the afternoon I asked Juan Carlos Jr. what he wanted to be when he grew up. He was very shy about it, but eventually told me he wanted to be an artist. Than just before I left, he handed me a folded up piece of paper. I opened it and saw a drawing of an orange. He said he drew an orange because I wore an orange t-shirt to work everyday and he thought that may be my favorite color. I hope he gets to become an artist.
Another gift I received from the family was the promise to take care of a seed I planted. Erica, the smallest, was very adamant that she would water it everyday and when it grew big and strong she would not only build a house for me to live in the branches, but she would send me packaged fruit every day. I dont know it the seed with actually blossom, but knowing that a part of me will always be there is somewhat comforting and fulfilling.
Because we got done early once I returned home I went out exploring. My new food experience today included a chocolate covered banana, which wasnt so bad because it was frozen and alleviated the intense sun. The weather is strange here. It's not even really hot- the sun is just so strong. Very different. After the chocolate banana a sat in the central park and read a bit before my room mate met me and we decided to climb one of the little mountainsides surrounding Antigua. On top of the mountainside there is a cross and a breathtaking view of the entire city. I am not exaggerating in my use of the word "breathtaking." You can see every street and light and house of the city and you can marvel at the exact parallel streets that create a perfectly gridded street system. The various churches jut out of the rows of roofs like special ornaments decorating a cake or pizza. It was beautiful. Two beautiful sights in one day: I must've had some good karma.
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